
17 February 2015

Standing on the Radley's Porch

As soon as I saw the news release about an additional book Harper Lee apparently wrote prior to writing To Kill a Mockingbird, I thought that I should re-read the first one in order to be ready to read the new one. Go Set a Watchman is placed in a setting twenty years after To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is still the main character and the plot explores her relationship as an adult with her lawyer father, Atticus Finch. From what I’ve read about Watchman, Lee’s publisher encouraged her to write Mockingbird to give context to Scout’s character in Watchman

I can’t remember when it was that I first read To Kill a Mockingbird, but it has been a while. Several years ago, while watching the movie – re-watching the movie actually – I jotted down the phrase “standing on the Radley’s porch” which comes near the end of the story and thought that phrase was pregnant with opportunity for reflection.

Reading this great story again provided me with an opportunity to think about lots of things. My father wasn’t a lawyer and my mother wasn’t deceased, but like Scout and Jem, my parents were different than the parents of many of my friends. In our house, Calpurnia was named Hester. She wasn’t there every day like Calpurnia, but she was a part of our family in ways that were important.

One of the shocking things about the book is the frequent use of the infamous n-word, but not from the lips of Atticus, Scout, or Jem. I wasn’t allowed to use that word growing up either. Unless you grew up in a world where Tom Robinson could be convicted simply because he was black, the world To Kill a Mockingbird describes sounds more fictional than real. I grew up knowing some Ewells and Cunninghams as well as some Link Deas and Miss Maudie Atkinson kind of people. 

One of the contrasts for me this time around is the difference in how the story is perceived. It has been so long I can’t honestly say I remember, but I’m fairly confident I would have assumed “that’s the way it is” as a response to the story. But this time, I kept thinking “could this really have been an accepted way of living?” The fact that the people of Macomb County kept re-electing Atticus Finch to the state legislature, despite his “radical” defense of Tom Robinson, probably speaks to their better nature. The fact that the jury convicted Tom simply because he was black reminds me of how difficult it is to do justice when the cultural voices around you object.

At the very end when Scout escorts Arthur “Boo” Radley back home after Boo helped prevent Bob Ewell from further harming Scout and Jem in retaliation for the defense Atticus provided Tom, there is that line in the story that I jotted down a long time ago: “standing on the Radley’s porch.” That phrase summarizes the transformation in Scout’s understanding of Boo Radley.

That transformation, if you know the story, is pretty impressive. Early on in the story Boo is some weird kind of human whose purpose apparently is to scare little children and provide them a target to make fun of. He is frightening, dangerous, and sometimes more of a ghost than a real human. But the story ends with Scout escorting him from Jem’s bedroom, through their house, on to the front porch where a conversation with Atticus and Sheriff Heck Tate occurs, and finally to the Radley’s porch. She even holds his hand as they walk from one house to the other. 

I still remember when I was given my first BB gun and I remember my mother’s lecture about not killing song birds in general and mockingbirds in particular. Boo Radley is one of the story’s “mockingbirds,” and Scout finally learns that by “standing on the Radley’s porch.”

It’s amazing how many mockingbirds there actually are when you’re brave enough to “stand on the Radley’s porch.” Perhaps Watchman will lead us to stand on a different porch and see some more mockingbirds.

14 February 2015

Fifty Shades of Purple

The movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, is expected to sell $50 million dollars in movie tickets this weekend. The world of social media has been flooded with items associated with the book and movie – pro and con – to the point that one wonders, ”Did we just discover sex?” One headline I saw said something like “Soft Porn Goes Mainstream.” 

It surely is no marketing accident that the movie is being released around Valentine’s Day. Equally flooding the world of social media this weekend has been great deals on flowers, candy, romantic destinations and a host of other stuff that somehow “proves” love is in the air. If you believe the message that is inundating the communications world in which we live, a bouquet of flowers, box of chocolate, dinner out and a movie ticket to Fifty Shades of Grey, is the perfect formula for romance.

Yet the real-world of daily life would suggest that the faux-world of social media definitions of romance, marriage, what it means to be a male or female, and other charades about love isn’t all it claims to be. If it takes a bouquet of flowers on Valentine’s Day for your spouse to know how much you love him or her, there is “trouble in paradise” as the old saying goes. If romance in your marriage depends on a ticket to Fifty Shades of Grey, somewhere along the way you’ve missed the point!

Don’t misunderstand. My first date with Vicki was in December, 1972. There hasn’t been a Valentine’s Day since then that she didn’t get a card, maybe some flowers, and some kind of gift. This year the gift was a purple wreath to hang on the front door! I bought flowers earlier in the week for home since Valentine’s Day was Saturday and I couldn’t sent them to work.  But I didn’t do that because I needed to make sure she knows I love her. 

Loving your spouse is more of a journey than an event. For us, that journey has been “official” for over 41 years. I’m pretty confident, knowing what it takes to love me and live with me, that if the only time she knew I loved her was the “event” of Valentine’s Day, we would have never made it 41 years! The fact that for some reason I hate to take the garbage out to the street on Wednesday night to be picked up on Thursday but still do it no doubt says more about my love for her than the purple wreath hanging on the front door today. I take my turn in fixing dinner, washing dishes, doing the laundry and cleaning the house. The lawn never looks unkempt and I plant flowers she likes. She knows that Valentine’s Day isn’t the only day flowers show up and that the least little health issue renders me incapable of speech. She has known from the time we knew she was pregnant with our first child that I would love our children and strive to be a good father.

I didn’t read the book and don’t plan to see the movie, but I’m pretty sure that none of that is in Fifty Shades of Grey. The idea of “soft porn” is a bit of an oxymoron in my opinion, but that really isn’t the most troubling reality associated with our culture’s fascination with the book and movie, and at some level our fascination with Valentine’s Day. The more serious problem is that such cultural approaches suggest that romance is an event, when in reality – both in the context of life experience and biblical revelation – romance is a journey, not an event.

I’m pretty confident that in our 41+ years together, I have given gifts with fifty shades of purple. Purple is her favorite color. But those gifts were a part of a journey, not an event where I was forced to act like I love her.

Romance is far more of a journey than an event. Don’t be suckered by our culture in to thinking differently