A real temptation for people who do what I do is to assume that our "work" in the area of Bible study, sermon preparation, theology, and all the associated areas those in ministry might participate in is to assume that those activities are a substitute for our own personal spiritual growth.
Two challenges arise when that is our attitude. First - there is great danger in assuming that my Bible study in preparation for a sermon, or in my case, for teaching a college class, is somehow to be separated from allowing God to speak into my own life in Scripture. Second - there is great danger in thinking that "work" related issues can substitute for personal devotion.
It isn't "either/or" for those who are privileged and blessed to "get paid to study Scripture," but "both/and." And if we don't get the "both/and" stuff worked out, our "talk about God" in a variety of roles may be mere "talk," and our own spiritual lives may be little more than "academic." The truth is that a nonbeliever can practice the discipline of "how language works" and interpret Scripture at some basic level. But, to borrow language from Alexander Campbell, only those "within the understanding distance" will really grasp what God is revealing in His Word!
It isn't all that complicated to be a "professional" when it comes to preaching, or teaching, or being a theologian who writes books about God. But it is a whole different world when it comes to being "confessional" when it comes to being a preaching, or teaching, or being a theologian who writes books about God. The flip side of that same coin is that those of us committed to being "confessional" ought to approach our God-given opportunities with "professionalism" appropriate to our role.
As a person who typically walks into a college classroom to speak on behalf of God, my sense of "professionalism" may be different than what would be true for a youth pastor who teaches a group of high school students the truth about God. But both of us can become victims of thinking that "professionalism" is the final answer. Actually, "confessional" will always be the final answer!
For those who might be reading this and are incredibly blessed by the opportunity for "professional ministry" my question is simple. What are you doing in the area of "confession" that gives context, integrity, and meaning to your "profession"?
If the answer to that question doesn't include some private, non-academic, non-job related reading of Scripture, then - sorry for the bluntness - you don't have the right answer to the question!
My own "private, non-academic, non-job related" reading of Scripture right now has me in Leviticus. I read through the Pentateuch at least once every year. You can't read through the Pentateuch - Torah - without reading Leviticus. Over the years I've discovered that reading Leviticus during Lent is not a bad plan! But - who likes Leviticus??
Today my "private, non-academic, non-job related reading" was Leviticus 19-21. (I'm on a "three chapters a day" routine right now.) Every day since I've been reading Leviticus - a week now - the one word that keeps floating to the top of my consciousness is "integrity." That is, God seems to expect that Israel will model "integrity" in its relationship with Him.
I made the mistake today - it's Saturday - of reading through the Atlanta Journal Constitution before doing my "private, non-academic, non-job related" Bible reading.
A new translation of the Old Testament, titled "The First Testament" was recently published. It is the work of John Goldingay, a respected Old Testament professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. It is worth checking out! Whenever my "private, non-academic, non-job related" reading of Scripture is in the Hebrew Bible, I'm reading The First Testament." (For New Testament reading, I'm using N.T. Wright's Kingdom New Testament.)
Here is The First Testament's translation of Leviticus 19:4: "Don't turn your face to non-entities and don't make figurine gods for yourselves. I am Yahweh your God."
Back to Saturday's edition of the AJC. Two front page stories: "Scam rankles, but it doesn't surprise" and "Pensions stuck in lackluster fund." The first story is about the college admission scandal, the second about corruption in the City of Atlanta government. Bottom line is "integrity."
The "Metro Section" has a front page story about the Atlanta Regional Commission's chief officer receiving a bonus for 2018, after misusing his agency's purchasing card. "Integrity."The "Sports" section of the paper's front page is dominated by stories about Georgia Tech and NCAA violations and concern about LSU and a FBI investigation into recruiting practices. "Integrity." Finally, the "Living" section had thoughtful articles about a variety of current issues, including abortion, health, and the son of a famous mega-church pastor.
"Non-entities" and "figurine gods" aren't all that concerned about integrity. But . . . the God behind the words I read in my "private, non-academic, non-job related" reading of Scripture thinks integrity is at the heart of what it means to be an authentic human . . . and a real follower of Jesus.
"I am Yahweh your God." That changes everything. That is embedded in the words of Scripture in ways that can't be missed - if we take the time to have some "private, non-academic, non-job related" reading of Scripture. All of the "I AM" statements Jesus will make in His ministry among us are rooted in that very idea - "I AM Yahweh your God."
The merely "academic me" can simply say, "those people aren't honest" when reading today's AJC. The person who comes out of a "private, non-academic, non-job related" reading of Scripture sees those stories in a whole different light.
We who "follow Jesus" - not only professionally but confessionally - have a lot of work to do!
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