I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and
thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in
authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
godliness and
holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…”
-1 Timothy 2:1-3
Today, the United States will experience another “smooth
transition of power” from one president to another. More often than not, it is
from one party to another as is true this year. I have very good friends who
think the new president will save western culture from destruction. I have
other very good friends who believe he will push western culture over the cliff
into the abyss of anarchy. I’m not smart
enough to know which of my friends will prove to be correct!
I am grateful, by the way, that I have friends on both sides
of the question. That might mean I can influence both! None of those friends,
by the way, knows who I voted for in November!
I am smart enough to know that through Paul, God asked me to
use “petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving” for “kings and all
those in authority.” At some level I wonder if Paul might be saying, “When you
have kings who see life differently than you (as was the case with Nero, the
Emperor when Peter wrote these words) your best option is to pray for them!”
After all, God has a bit of a track record in using “non-believing” rulers to
advance His will. Remember Cyrus? I’m pretty sure he wasn’t “Sammy Sunday
School” and yet because of him, our forefathers returned to Jerusalem from the
Babylonian exile.
Shortly after the beginning of the 2017, I saw a post on
Facebook that caught my attention. It was written by a fine young man who
serves in ministry. Here’s some of what he said: “I must confess that I did not
pray for you while you were in office. . . I must also confess that I greatly
appreciate the loving and healthy marriage that you and your wife displayed for
our nation.”
Those words were directed, via Facebook, to President Obama.
The writer acknowledges that Mr. Obama will never see them, but “I just felt I
needed to say it anyway.” He closes his post by noting that this didn’t mean he
agreed with Mr. Obama’s policies – just that the Bible admonishes us to pray
for our leaders and he didn’t.
I private messaged this young man to commend him for what he
More than a few people posted “thank you” sorts of
statements, and also owned up to the fact that because they so seriously
disagreed with President Obama’s politics, they also did not pray for him. They
often committed to doing better.
One person, however, said this: “are we to pray for Satan in
the flesh?” Nero was the Roman emperor when Paul wrote those words at the top
of the page to Timothy. I’m pretty confident President Obama would have some serious
catching up to do when it comes to comparing him to Nero. And the same would be
true of Mr. Trump.
Here’s the deal. It doesn’t matter whether I voted for
President Trump or not. God’s Word calls on me to pray for him. I should pray
for him that his policies and actions would make it possible for us to live
“peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” That’s the same way I
prayed for President Obama, and other presidents before him. Prayer has no D or
R after it!
To pray for “kings and all those in authority” is a good
thing, so good that it “pleases God our Savior.”
I hope we all can commit ourselves to be more diligent when
it comes to praying for “kings and those in authority.” As the Facebook author
above noted – that doesn’t mean we condone their policies but that we are
committed to obeying what God has asked us to do.
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