
08 April 2011

More Than “One More Time”

Yesterday was Spring Ministry Day at Atlanta Christian College. In the Spring Semester, 2007 we began what has become an important part of our process of spiritual formation by closing down the academic program of the College for the day and going out to actually put in to practice the idea that we are called to help advance the Kingdom of God.

Our first Ministry Day was held at City of Refuge ( in Atlanta. City of Refuge was just moving to 1300 Simpson Road (now Joseph E. Boone) near the heart of the City of Atlanta. The two warehouses were, to put it mildly, a wreck. Our first ministry day included cleaning portions of the warehouses, attacking a hill overrun with kudzu, discarded beer bottles, and just about every other piece of litter imaginable and lots of other grunt work. We did the kind of work you imagine a judge might assign to a criminal for community service!

We have continued to make City of Refuge a part of our ministry day every semester since that first Ministry Day back in 2007. To see what has happened in these five years at City of Refuge is nothing short of amazing. Today those “wrecked warehouses” have transitional housing for about 150 mothers and children, a place where the Mission Church meets for worship, the 180˚ Kitchen – which includes a training program for chefs, a gymnasium and workout area, and the soon to open Medical Clinic which will serve 1500 people a month with primary care. There is also a community resource center where hundreds of people in need are served in the name of Christ. One of our students who participated in our very first ministry day is now a full-time member of the ministry team at City of Refuge and organized our activities yesterday.

The team I worked with yesterday went to the home of a wonderful older couple – Elbert and Dot Sims. We spent our day working in their back yard – cleaning up leaves, trimming overgrown plants, mowing, and other similar tasks that are beyond the ability of this couple, now married 67 years. Mr. Sims insisted that we take a break for Krispy Kreme donuts and Pepsi! He thanked us a million times and every time he did, big tears were rolling down his cheeks. Miss Dot hugged us all as we left, telling us that she couldn’t remember when her back yard looked so good. We didn’t do anything unique or particularly hard – we simply decided that as believers, we would be helpful to this older couple. Watching the ten students I was with work so well together and to be so determined to make this the best looking back yard on that street confirms why I love being with ACC students.

This year we expanded our ministry day to include more opportunities than ever. We were not only at City of Refuge, but a group went to Woodland Christian Camp, another group to God’s Farm, a group to each of the cities of West Point, Valley, and Lanett, and another group worked in the community around the College. If the emails I’ve received and the Facebook comments I’ve seen are any indication, we made an impact – in the name of Christ – in lots of places yesterday. It makes me think that the idea of Point University as a place that points others to Christ is not waiting on the official date of 1 July 2011 for the name change!

I’m so grateful for places like City of Refuge, Woodland, God’s Farm, the three cities we visited, and other places who welcome our students to do ministry. Oddly enough, in my first effort to expand Ministry Day beyond City of Refuge, the first contact I made replied with a “no thanks, it’s too much trouble to plan, we prefer people who will volunteer regularly.”

I know it takes a lot of planning to prepare for volunteers. Yesterday we sent out around 250 volunteers and lots of work went in to making that all happen. Thanks to those ministries who are willing to invest in young adults who want to discover new and exciting ways to be Jesus to the world around them.

Equally odd, City of Refuge has an outstanding member of its staff – Seth Lingenfelter – at least in part because of what he experienced on our very first ministry day there. And lots of students and staff have volunteered over the years – because of what they experience on ministry day opportunities.

Perhaps investing in young adults isn’t such a challenge after all! What I know for sure is that I’m more than willing to do it “more than ‘one more time.’” And so are a lot of other Point University students!

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